Eating Healthy
Fish vs. Meat
Advisable to cut down on red meat and consume more white meat such as poultry and pork along with fish of every description. Fish has a lot of oils and omega fats which are good for us. Again it is recommended that one sees your GP before changing ones diet. Aim for a balanced diet which must include fruits and vegetables.
Natural Alternative
With regards to the benefits of various bush teas, ginger, turmeric, herbs, spices and lemons to name but a few things, it is recommended that one sees your G.P. or health professional before trying any alternative remedies on a regular basis as what might work for one person might not be suitable for another.
I am not clinically trained or a healthcare professional so please always bear that in mind. However I do have a certain level of knowledge and experience that places me in a position to share some information with you aided by the training material that Diabetes UK has provided for its Community Champions.
Important !
1. Visit the Diabetes UK website at:
2. Talk in confidence about diabetes. Careline number: 03451232399 Monday – Friday 9.00 a.m. – 7.00 p.m.
3. Email Diabetes UK at
4. Contact any one of the 10 regional Diabetes UK offices whose numbers can be found on the website.
Written by
Tony Kelly, Diabetes UK Community Champions.