Hanover & Wolverhampton Link Organisation Project

Welcome to Hanover Wolverhampton Link Organisation Project, (HWLOP)
This organisation believes that a sense of history is fundamental to the understanding of human experiences. Therefore we would like you to become a member and you’ll join a growing group of people who play a important part in everything we do.

Get involved with HWLOP Organisation

Get involved with HWLOP Organisation

Our projects highlights the importance of the present and future generations. Through their endeavours to ensure that we have a comprehensive understanding of their predecessors; their communities and themselves.

Getting involved as a volunteer or a member will allow you to meet lots of different kinds of people and make new friends. We couldn't continue our work without your help.

Volunteering can Help Build Stronger Communities

Volunteering can Help Build Stronger Communities

There are lots of different ways that you can support us. By becoming a Volunteer, Member, Project Sponsor or supply donating to the HWLOP cause.

Get involved in your community and feel a part of something outside your family or circle of friends is a rewarding aspect of life.

However, volunteering is about commitment of time and energy, for the benefit of society and the wider community and the environment, or individuals outside one's immediate family. It is undertaken freely and without concern for financial gain.

HWLOP Membership

Hwlop Logo

The benefits of becoming a member, can give you the opportunity to try something new, gain experience, develop skills, improve your career prospects, build confidence and meet new people.

Membership is open to any individuals or group who shares the vision of the project and support the aims and objectivies of the project themes.

Our Membership is International and non-political, if you would like to become a member please fill out the form below to get in touch with us!... However there is an additional fee of £ 1.00 to become a HWLOP Members.

Contact HWLOP On : +44(0) 1902 716 780 or EMAIL : Enquiries@hwlop.org


Unitty logo

HWLOP was formed to benefit all communities and families within there local area and neighbourhood.

We assist in providing, Agriculture needs, Social Events, Healthcare solutions, education as well as skills training so that children & adults can live healthy and improve there environment.

HWLOP projects are designed to encourage the future generations to be more self aware and efficient, Therefore we would like more people to support your cause, and raise more money to fund the project. HWLOP Sponsorship program is designed to get the maximum exposure through HWLOP network of charities, advertising in programmes, brochures, local papers or magazines, websites and Special Social Events.

If you want to apply for HWLOP Sponsorship program, please email your application to : Sponsorship@hwlop.org
Applications must include contact details (Full Name Address, E-mail Address, Phone Number) and scope of the association applying with details about the initiative to support.

Become a Fundraiser

Hwlop Logo

One way to raise money for the benefit of your local community & loved ones, is by starting your fundraising activities with HWLOP.

Be a part of your community, family and neighbours by taking on a personal challenge, which is a great way to get involved in your area.

When it comes to fundraising the sky’s the limit, it can be an incredibly rewarding and fun experience, and there are many different ways you can get involved.

You can contact our fundraising team ...

Telephone : +44(0) 1902 716 780 or EMAIL : Fundraising@hwlop.org

Advertise on HWLOP website

Advertise on Hwlop website

HWLOP offer many advertising options that can be tailored to your specific requirements and budget with our in-house design team who can provide top quality art work for digital advertising.

Advertising panels are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. Text adverts, Small image adverts, Full image adverts, also an entry into our web directory.

You don't have to display an advertising panel on every page of the website, just the page you require but the more popular the page the more it will cost. For example, some websites will display an advertising panel on just their contact page and not there home page.

However a website displaying an advertising panel on their home page as well as their contact page will be seen more by viewers.

Text adverts are very straight forward and include a heading, advert text and a link to your web address.

Small image adverts take up the small amount of space, "180 x 140" but cost more than text advert. However, the advert can be very eye catching with images linked to your chosen web address.

Full image adverts take up an entire advertising panel, "180 x 400" can be very eye catching but do cost considerably more than text adverts.

All of these advertisement appear in our advert panels, placed on the websites, as well as becoming a member of our Free-Online-Advertising network.

A link on the website is simple and requires very little effort just contact HWLOP on

Telephone : + 44(0) 1902 716 780 or EMAIL : Advertising@hwlop.org

General Support for Hanover Wolverhampton Link Organisation Project

What skills do you have to offer?

You may have certain skills or talents that you would like to put to use in the course of your volunteering, for example, financial skills, musical ability or IT skills or perhaps you are a good listener or enjoy caring for people and etc....

What role you would like to do?

There are many voluntary positions, which require no special skills or talents and many more where training is provided.

Personal Development

If you are thinking about career development, about getting a job or returning to work, the experience you gain working with the hwlop members can be useful.

Telephone : +44(0) 1902 716 780 or EMAIL : Enquiries@hwlop.org